Georgia’s Places 2 Love Weblog

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No Downpayment?

Believe it or not, even after the surge of foreclosures, some buyers may still qualify for loans with no or little down payments.  Review this article and let me know your thoughts:

Happy house hunting! 

Are You Worried About a Recession?

Joe is someone we can all learn from (you know Joseph – the one with the multi-colored coat, he has a musical about him, and a few chapters in the number 1 best-selling book feature him).  In the years of prosperity, he saved for future times of economic downturn – he saved for the cycles in the economy that consistently repeat themselves.  We too have to move from a place of every time we receive a bonus, tax refund (what did you do with yours?), raise, etc. that we increase our lifestyle – we beginning eating out more, upgrading our vehicle, etc.  Instead, let’s transform our thinking so that we are investing/saving at least 10% or more of every dollar that comes into our hands.

Why?  To prepare for the unexpected!  With the reports of an economic recession, becoming a habitual saver (one good habit we can all cultivate) instead of a spender, can very well put us in a position that we don’t even feel the financial valleys.  Saving is especially vital if you are or want to be a homeowner/real estate investor/business owner so setup an automatic savings draft so that you don’t even have to think about if you saved this month or not.

Check out this article for more tips:

15 Money Moves for Tough Times — With a possible recession around the corner, here are some ways to prepare your finances.

Be like Joe!

Before You Buy, Consider This!

With the real estate market being the way it is, this is a great time to buy.  But only if you are prepared because purchasing real estate can be a God-send or a nightmare when you have not done due dilligence.  Check out this article on what you should consider before buying and write me if you have any questions or are in the Atlanta area and need help in finding a property as a home buyer or investor:

7 Must-Dos for the First Time Home Buyer — Finding the house is just the beginning. First-time homebuyers will need to answer these questions to see if the time is right to buy in their desired location.

Happy house hunting!

PS – Don’t forget about our upcoming events:

Ready to Build WEALTH?

— Come to this free seminar and learn how to step into real estate as a HOMEOWNER or step up to being an INVESTOR. 



***** Dates & Locations:

1.  Mon., April 14, 2008, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. – PEACHTREE BRANCH LIBRARY (1315 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309)


2. Sat., April 19, 2008, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. – ALPHARETTA BRANCH LIBRARY (238 Canton Street, Alpharetta GA 30004)


3.  Mon., April 21, 2008, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.– BUCKHEAD BRANCH LIBRARY (269 Buckhead Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305)


4.  Sat., April 26, 2008, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. – PONCE DE LEON BRANCH LIBRARY (980 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE, Atlanta GA 30306)

5.  Sat., April 26, 2008, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. – SANDY SPRINGS REGIONAL LIBRARY (395 Mount Vernon Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30328)

See you there!

HOMELESS – Why Everyone Should Have a Place 2 Love in Georgia

You may have been one of the fortunate that had a good night’s sleep in your own home.  But here in the metro Atlanta area, there are many that cannot say the same. 

I have determined to help eradicate homelessness in the metro Atlanta area by creating affordable permanent housing that can be rented or owned.  Although we will start small, helping one family/individual at a time, I know we can make a difference!

I had the wonderful opportunity of volunteering with Home Stretch, which provides transitional housing in North Fulton, and I met a wonderful individual.  He had a great work ethic and had worked in lawn care for years but because of the recent drought (affecting greatly his business), he is now among the homeless.

 What are your thoughts about this issue of homelessness?  Let me know.

Here are some stats. from The United Way’s Regional Commission on Homelessness


homeless people were found to be on the streets, in shelters, transitional housing, service programs or at meal sites.
23% stated that they were veterans with 32% reporting to have been in combat.
47% of the people indicated that drug or alcohol use was the reason for their homelessness
29% of survey respondents had been homeless for more than one year.

*Source: 2007 Tri-Jurisdictional Collaborative Homeless Census and survey covering the City of Atlanta, Fulton and DeKalb County. The information is from a point-in-time survey.

To Buy or Not to Buy?

I became a first-time Atlanta homeowner and investor over 4 years ago but with today’s market I wish I had waited! Although I didn’t, I am definitely taking advantage of the BUYER’S market here in Georgia. And I encourage you to do the same.

What is a buyer’s market?, you may be wondering. Well, a buyer’s market is when it can take homes longer to sell, causing some sellers to be more willing to lower prices and offer perks that save you MONEY (like paying six months of your mortgage payments – the buyer’s dream). This is what we in metro Atlanta are in so take advantage of it while you can.

Most real estate news shows that we may be rebounding before the year is out so don’t delay any longer. Find that discounted, house, condo, loft, whatever suits your taste and make the investment. Once we rebound, you should have a nice amount of equity built up that will increase your net worth.

Happy Investing!!

PS – If you have questions about real estate – including owning, buying, selling, leasing, investing, etc. – email me at – I’d love to help!